Friday, 29 January 2016
Frozen Friday
Thursday, 28 January 2016
snowy thursday!
This morning we finished our paper plate sea creatures. We practiced writing in our wonder journals drawing pictures of the sea creatures we saw in our view master and labelling them. We practiced our letter using wikisticks and tracers, as well as our number with markers. We had gym time this morning and played with dodgeballs and hulla hoops.
I liked playing in the aquarium
I liked playing at the blocks with my friends. we built a dragon.
I liked playing in the water table with our sea creatures
I like our supply teacher!
I like reading a book with my teacher
I like the teachers!
I like working in my wonder journal
I liked experimenting with colours at the roll and colour shark activity
I liked reading my wonder journal from other days
This afternoon we continued to work on our ocean animal sentences. We worked on our counting using ocean animal pictures. We started a new ocean animal write the room and worked very hard at it!
So exciting we got a brand new play kitchen! we were all helping put it together.
I liked doing the ocean write the room with my friends
I liked building a hammer head shark with the blocks
I liked playing outside in the snow, we made a snowman
Wednesday, 27 January 2016
deep sea wednesday
This morning we worked on sea animal syllables at circle time. During center time we practiced counting with our paper plate sea creatures insuring our octopuses and other creature had the right amount of legs, we also worked on counting with sea animal pictures counting out the different animals and circling the right number. We also explored marine biology (what a word!!!) being veterinarians in the aquarium centre. We then went to gym and played hockey and basketball.
I liked doing attendance using sea creatures
I liked making jelly fish at the craft table
I liked colouring and writing in my wonder journal
I liked making ships at the block center with my friends
I liked making crabs and an octopus at art
I liked eating snack with my friends (yummmm strawberries)
I liked being a marine biologist
This afternoon we worked on our printing our deep sea colouring page writing what our favourite ocean animal is (what is your favourite ocean animal?). We did a lot of building in the block center, and got creative with Mr. Potato head.
I liked building blocks with my friends
I liked being with my friends
I liked making an itsy bitsy ocean book
I liked playing in the snow outside
I liked colouring and ocean picture
I liked experimenting with colours with the roll and colours
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
Terrific Tuesday
Some of us are doing surveys about narwhals and orcas.