Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Growing Tuesday

This morning we read a story about two different seeds growing side by side. We then each made a little seed house and planted a yellow bean seed in a plastic bag with a wet paper towel.

a very busy ice cream shop

making a seed house

fun with gears

tricky double-sided puzzle

taking an ice cream order

kitchen fun

I would like...

add the bean

I like making my green house.
I like playing outside.
I liked going to the library to pick a new book.
I like returning the classes books to the library.
I like playing in the kitchen.
I like playing in the ice cream shop with my friend.
I like playing at the wooden doll house with my friend.

This afternoon, Mrs. Jessica read us a story about giving a pig a pancake. She had all of the pieces to go with the story so we can retell the story by using the story pieces.

journal writing

If you give a pig a pancake.....

We went to the library this morning. We will be going to the library one more time to sign out a book next week. We are going on a field trip to Petrie Island on June 16th. Please sign permission form in your child's communication bag.


I liked making an ice cream sundae.
I liked playing at the ice cream shop.
I liked playing with the playdough.
I liked playing outside.
I liked playing in the kitchen with my friends.
I liked playing in the wooden house.
I liked taking the food orders at the ice cream shop.
I liked planting a bean seed.
I liked writing a sentence in my journal.

Monday, 30 May 2016

Sunny Monday

Today we are switching our farmer's market to an Ice Cream shop. We are working hard at making signs and menus. We have a real ice cream maker in the shop and we are pretending to make ice cream!

Reminder: We play outside every day. Please make sure your child has sunscreen on before coming to school.

story retell

writing bug words

making a sign for our ice cream shop

preparing the menu

Would you like some ice cream?

turning the handle on the ice cream maker

writing more bug words

story retell on the felt board

Reading to a friend

Reading together!

writing bug words

making a bee on the lite brite

I liked playing at the lego with my friends.
I liked the weekend.
I liked playing in the gym.
I liked reading and writing with the bugs.
I liked eating my snack.
I liked playing in the kitchen.
I liked playing in the ice cream shop.
I liked making the sign for the ice cream shop.
I liked doing the grouchy ladybug retell.
I liked drawing ice cream for the shop.
I liked writing words.

skip it fun

bug sorting

bug patterns

I made a bug!

domino addition game

une abeille

une coccinelle

Block challenge: can you make an insect?

I made a pattern on the bee.

Reminder: We are going to the library tomorrow.  Please send in the book in a
 ziploc bag. Thank you!

I liked playing in the ice cream shop.
I liked making an ice cream picture.
I liked playing outside.
I liked playing with the wedgit blocks with my friend.
I liked resting.
I liked making a bumblebee and sorting the bugs.
I liked playing in the wooden cabin with my friend.
I liked playing in the kitchen.
I liked eating snack with my friend.
I liked making ice cream in the ice cream shop.
I liked making some chocolate ice cream.

Friday, 27 May 2016

Flying Friday

Our friends next door have had some caterpillars turning into butterflies in their class. They went and released them outside so we went to watch them fly away!

I'm making an insect!

off to the market

reading to a friend

writing and sounding out insect names

The very grouchy ladybug story retell

butterfly life cycle puzzle

painted lady butterfly resting on a dandelion

I liked working on a puzzle with my friend.
I liked playing in the kitchen.
I liked going outside to free the butterflies.
I liked playing in the house.
I liked writing and using an insect sticker.
I liked writing insect words on the white board.
I liked eating snack with my friends.
I liked the stickers that Miss A. brought us.
I liked making a butterfly.
I liked the very grouchy ladybug retell.
I liked making a craft with my friends.
I liked wearing my hat.
I liked drawing on the mural with my friend.

A praying mantis, une mante religieuse.


I liked making a praying mantis.
I liked playing outside!
I liked playing at the soil.
I made a double-sided praying mantis.
I liked writing the praying mantis word.
I liked when Miss Pauline visited our class.
I liked finding a book.
I liked resting.
I liked playing in the wooden house with my friends.
I liked eating my snack.

Have a great weekend!