Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Foggy Wednesday

This morning, we are reviewing the story of Jesus. Our dramatic play area is all set up with a shepherd, sheep, Baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph. and an angel.  We are decorating a mini Christmas tree and we  have a new Christmas write the room. We are also making Christmas colour patterns.


I like singing Oh Canada.
I like the whole day.
I like tidying up the kitchen.
I like doing the roll and colour. 
I like working on my wreath.
I like playing with the playmobile manger scene.
I like having a snack.
I like playing the piano with Mme.
I like playing with the new playdough.
I like drawing.
I like my friend's picture.

This afternoon, we are making patterned paper chains to decorate our class. We are estimating how many pompons are in the bag, working on the ipads and building cooperatively.


I like drawing my Christmas picture.
I like making a beautiful angel with words.
I like playing outside.
I made a rainbow angel.
I like the whole day.
I like putting a candle on the wreath.
I like making paper chains.
I like the wedgit blocks.
I like the tidy up song.
I like playing at the pegs.
I like decorating the class.

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Rainy Tuesday

This morning, we read the story of Little Red Riding Hood. We are busy getting our hearts - and our class - ready for Christmas. We are talking about Jesus' birthday. We also went to the library to exchange our library books.


I like coming to school.
I like visiting the other class.
I like rest time.
I like the Christmas tree.
I like going to the gym.

Buses cancelled today

All buses are cancelled today due to freezing rain. Schools remain open.

Monday, 28 November 2016

Marvelous Monday

This morning, we talked about the story of Baby Jesus. We are making Advent wreaths at the crafts, at the playdough, we are making numbers, at the religion center, we have the playmobile manger scene and we are exploring with gears. We also went to the gym and played with scoops, soccer and hula hoops.

I liked making a tree person.
I like playing at the dollhouse.
I like making a wreath.
I like tidying up.
I like the whole day.
I like playing in the kitchen with my friends.
I like playing with my friend at the religion center.
I like the Christmas tree.
I like going to the gym.
I like drawing with the pastels.
I like playing with the playdough.

I like making a beautiful Christmas tree.
I like to play the Baby Jesus dramatic play.
I like the dollhouse.
I like playing outside.
I like making a picture with my friend.
I like painting.
I like having snack.
I like riding the school bus.
I like resting.

Tomorrow is Library Day and Reading Log Day.
Please encourage your child to get ready by him/herself - snowpants first...

We had a beautiful Advent liturgy this afternoon.

Friday, 25 November 2016

Festive Friday

We had a very exciting morning as Mr. Wayne brought us a Christmas tree! With flickering lights! As soon as Mme took out some decorations, the tree was decorated in a flash!
This morning`s playdough challenge is to write words with the playdough. We are drawing our favourite foods and tracing numbers. The restaurant is hopping and the big bristle blocks are very popular this morning. It`s our last day to complete the food write the room activity so there are many clipboards floating around the class.

Please send in library books on Monday. You do not need to send in the reading log until Tuesday.
Scholastic Orders are due December 1st if you are interested in ordering books.
On Monday afternoon, at 2:45, we are having an Advent celebration to begin the Advent season.
Have a great weekend!

Here are a few pictures from our afternoon:


I like playing outside in the snow.
I like painting.
I like playing in the kitchen.
I like playing at the dollhouse and painting.
I like the whole day.
I like playing at the kitchen with Miss Tania.
I like making a food mixup.
I like putting up decorations on the tree.
I like singing Christmas songs.
I like climbing the snow mountain! :) (more like a bump)
I like making a snowman.
I like playing the frog game.
I like drawing my picture.

I like the When Jesus was born song.