Friday, 31 March 2017

Fantastic Friday

Oh my! There is something new in our class! It's an egg incubator! We read a book about different animals that hatch out of eggs. What kind of eggs should we get for our incubator? Alligator? Snake? Penguin? Chicken? Blue Jay? Robin? Turtle? Frog? Duck? Ostrich? I think we should get ostrich eggs but Mrs. Jessica says we wouldn't have room for an ostrich in our class....
Today, we are making world structures, writing mission reports, adding up chicks and eggs, painting beautiful tulips and drawing pictures to give Mrs.  Jessica some ideas about which eggs to get. We also have some gym time to get some exercises.
Yesterday, we read the story Tops and Bottoms and today we are retelling that story in the garden.

Easter sensory bin

I'm planting carrots with my Mom.

We want snake eggs!

Addition fun with eggs and chicks.

Writing the room.

I went to the space station.

I built this structure!

This morning, I like writing the room.
I like working on the ipad.
I like playing at the farm.
I like giving Mrs. Jessica some ideas for the eggs.
I like playing at the gym with my friends.
I like when Mme played the piano with my friend.
I like when Mme read the egg hatching book.
I like writing a lot of words.
I like doing the tidy up song with Mme.
I like drawing my lost sheep.
I like painting my tulips.
I like building a robot.
I like writing a mission report.

looking up how to spell a word in a book

This afternoon, we also had a Lenten liturgy with the other kindergarten children.


I like learning how to make a snake.
I like drawing with my friend.
I like making a cobra snake.
I like making a castle with my friend.
I like going to the other class for the liturgy.
I like making some tulips.
I like writing a lot of space words.
I like learning about snakes.
I like making a birthday card for my Daddy.

Reminders: Please send in library books in on Monday. Thank you!
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Sunny Thursday

What a beautiful sunny day in Kindergarten! We are making a pine cone wreath using Easter colours and using materials we have found on our nature walks, making words, finding initial sounds with our alphabet train puzzle, using our fine motor skills with the playdough and discussing different modes of transportation and which we have been on,

The Lost Sheep


Then, our reading buddies came over! We love Thursdays!

I liked painting pinecones.
I liked my friend being friend of the day.
I liked playing at the light table with my friend.
I liked playing at the blocks with my friend.
I liked playing at the farm with my friends.
This morning I liked drawing a picture on our murale.
This morning I liked playing the piano.
I liked playing in the kitchen with my friends.
I liked making transportation cookies at the playdough centre.
This morning, I like reading with my reading buddy.

This afternoon, we read Click, Clack, Splash and counted with Miss Sienna. We also did some exercise and some yoga to calm down our bodies.

Our challenges this afternoon were to make a bridge with Tegu blocks, make a garden plan with the names of the vegetables we were planting and cooperate with our friends. We are also making symmetrical pictures with shapes.

matching Van Gogh paintings

Look at my ramp!

The lost sheep

my garden plan


This afternoon, I like making my pig.
I like playing at the farm with my friends.
I like when Mme plays the piano.
I like when Miss Kelsey was reading me a book.
I like building with the mag tiles.
I like making crafts.
I like playing outside.

Reminder: Tomorrow is NOT a pizza day, please make sure your child has a lunch. Thank you.