Reminders: Please continue to send in healthy snacks in your child's lunch, maximum 2 treats in lunch kit. Thank you for your cooperation. We play outside every day. Please make sure your child is dressed warmly and comfortably. All clothing items should be labelled.
Thursday is our Library Day.
Morning comment:
This morning, I was playing at the blocks and making beach dance tower.
I like playing in the kitchen.
I like playing with the playdough. I made a pumpkin.
I like making 5 little pumpkins with the cups at the craft center.
I like making my spider.
I like writing words.
I like playing at the marble center with my friends.
I like the playdough.
I like playing at the kitchen with my friends.
I like playing in the dress up center with my friends.
Our reading buddies also came to review Halloween safety rules with us. Thank you reading buddies!
Then, this afternoon, the Reading Ladies came to read with us and gave us each a Halloween pencil. Thank you Reading ladies!! Some friends have now read over 40 books! Wow! Keep reading at home!
I liked making a cat mask.
I liked reading with the reading moms.
I liked looking at the pumpkins we cut yesterday.
I liked making a Spookly pumpkin.
I liked watching Spookly the pumpkin story.
I liked making a haunted house out of log blocks.
I liked playing in the costume center.
I liked coming to school.
Have a fun trick or treating evening! Dress warmly!