Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Tuesday, April 30th

What a beautiful morning! We are definitely NOT looking at the weather forecast for tomorrow!

Reminder: Our yard is still quite muddy and your children LOVE the puddles, so please continue sending them to school wearing their rubber boots. Thank you! Extra socks and pants would also be appreciated!

There is a duck who has decided to make a nest near the Kindergarten doors in the yard. We hope to see ducklings soon! We are asking the children to stay away from that area.

Thursday is library day
Friday is Pizza Day

Scholastic book orders came in today. If you ordered books, they are in your child's school bag. Thank you!

All permission slips for the field trip should now be handed in. Please sign and return them as soon as possible. Thank you!

a nest with eggs!

Monday, 29 April 2019

Monday April 29th

We are learning our Spring vocabulary this morning. We are also practicing a beautiful Earth Song.

Reminders for the week:

Tuesday: Reading log and 3 little books
Thursday: Library Day - big book in big ziploc bag
Friday: Pizza Day

We are still missing some permission forms for our field trip. Please send these in as soon as possible. Thank you!


I like making a tree house.
I like playing at the lego wall with my friend.
I like making a pumpkin at the art table.
I like playing at the red blocks with my friend.

Some of the Spring words we are learning.