Friday, 30 October 2015

Happy Halloween!

This morning, we played a game with a toy bat. We decorated some foam pumpkins with glitter! Oh my! The children are all glittery! We even added sparkles to the playdough! We are continuing with our surveys and Halloween patterns.
What is your favourite treat?

Favourite treat?

I'm making Baby Jesus! 

Glitter attack!!

Yoga in the library!

This afternoon, the grade 2 class came to present a little play to the class. It was great! We also took out the Osmo to play with our ipads. We are also writing some Halloween words and doing some Halloween crafts! We have had a busy day!

Examining each other's features with a magnifying glass!

Don't forget: Harvest Dance from 6 to 8 p.m. tonight!

Hope you have a wonderful and safe Halloween! We understand it is the Halloween season but please remember to continue sending in healthy snacks next week! Thank you!

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Terrific Thursday

It's another busy day in Kindergarten! This morning, we have a new survey to ask our friends. We are asking them what is their favourite treat: chips, chocolate or candy. We are really enjoying making 5 little pumpkins stories and crafts and some of us are reading a funny story called "Why did the chicken cross the road?" with Mme Charlotte.
We built Matsumoto Castle.

What is your favourite treat?

des citrouilles

What is your favourite treat?

une citrouille et des etoiles

Why did the chicken cross the road?

new survey

beautiful structure

Candy is my favourite treat!
Building another world structure!

This morning, we also explored the other kindergarten classes and did some dancing in the gym. We had a great time!
Where the prime minister lives!

It's a plane-car!

Artists working!

Afternoon activities:

Trying to build the Parliament Buildings!

Write in the covered numbers!

Roll and cover the numbers!

Does the cylinder roll?

I liked playing on the i-pad.
I liked playing in the sand.
I liked building with my friend. We built a tower.
I liked playing with the lego.
I liked going into the other class.
I liked doing crafts in the other class.
I liked playing in the costumes.
I was drawing.
I liked making trucks.
I liked playing with my friend.
I liked drawing a pumpkin.
I liked playing with the playdough!
I liked making my card!
I liked dancing in the gym.
I liked reading with the reading moms!
I liked having snack!

Classroom reminders:
Kindergarten interviews will be on November 19th. Please see the link on to schedule an interview. No progress reports or report cards are sent in November in Kindergarten.

Wear black and orange day tomorrow. 

Pizza Day tomorrow for those who have ordered pizza.

Harvest Dance from 6 to 8 p.m. 

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Rain, rain, go away!

This morning, we found rhymes in a book called Ten Little Squirrels. We also listened to some geese flying south. We had fun exercising in the gym and managed to get outside for a few minutes before the rain started.
This morning, some of us started building different world structures.

putting spooky ghosts numbers in order

 drawing the pumpkin life cycle

writing all the names and words we could find

I made a mask! un masque

reading time

You are 54 cubes tall!

making a race track

How high is your tower?

Write your estimate: how many pumpkin seeds in the bag?

My tower is taller than me!

I built a gate!

a canoe!

Fall words

excellent team work and even more writing!

Scary! 5 little pumpkins.

I am expressing myself showing creativity through a mosaic!

Wow team work and printing up a storm!

There is a lot of writing happening today! Hurray!

This afternoon we coloured many Halloween pictures, worked on alphabet puzzles and worked together to spell Halloween words with bananagram letters.  Several of us also decided to write our own story books and worked very hard on them.

I liked making my book.
I liked playing in the gym.
I liked playing with the blocks.
I liked snack time today.
I liked drawing.
I had fun with my friends.

We are sending home all blankets to be washed in hot water, Thank you!
Please keep all stuffed animals at home.
Don't forget that we are wearing orange and black on Friday!