Wednesday, 7 October 2015

White and Orange Pumpkins

Wonder Wednesday.....Are white pumpkins also white on the inside? Scroll down to find out!

One of our friends brought a picture he made of Terry Fox running with the police escort. Beautiful picture! Thank you for sharing with us!

This morning we coloured, we made a ship, a dinosaur truck and a go-kart with the duplos.

We made predictions about the colour of the inside of the white pumpkin and the inside of the orange pumpkin. We then cut both pumpkins. The orange one was easy to cut but the white one was very hard to cut. We only managed to take slices out of the white one. Surprise! The rind was white but the pulp was light green. The seeds are white.

Some friends played a letter game with Mme Chantal.

Class Reminders:

1. Student photo proofs went home today, if your child was at school for photo day. Orders are due back at school by October 19th. We have not yet received the class photo.

2. Pizza order forms are due Thursday. Please place money in a labelled bag when you send cash to school.

3. PD Day on Friday and Holiday on Monday.

4. Please encourage your children to get their coats on by themselves. Thank you!

Students' comments from today:

I liked going to the gym.
We cut some pumpkins at the art center.
I liked playing at the water table.
I liked playing at the pumpkin patch.
I liked playing with the train set.
I'm happy to be at school.
I liked playing duplo with my friends. We made a ginormous camper!
I was selling pumpkins and buying them at the pumpkin patch.
I made a pirate flag.
I made a bird.
I made a donkey out of duplos.
I liked playing with the playdough.
I liked when we cut the white pumpkin. It was green and white!

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