Friday, 29 April 2016

Eggciting Friday!

News Flash! Three chicks are trying to break through their shells!! One egg keeps shaking too! Our farm area will be a chicken coop.

Cluck, cluck, cluck!

We made bumble bees!

My bee is collecting pollen!

I liked making buzzing bees with my friend.
I like playing with the toobers.

Miss Nicole, I brought you a baseball mitt so we can play catch outside.

This afternoon, we played a little game with Miss V. and then found out more about the chick's development in the egg.

 A special thank you to Mrs. Heather Maitland who donated a beautiful playhouse to our class. So many children want to play there that we need a sign up sheet!

I like playing in the sandbox with my friend.
I like playing in the kitchen with my friend.
I like playing with the new wooden house with my friend.
I like playing with the bristol blocks with my friends.
I like helping set up the calming down activity.
I like playing catch with my friend outside.
I like helping my friend play boggle.
I like playing with the puzzles.
I like playing outside with my friend.
I like reading to my friend.
I like playing with osmo on the ipad.
I like doing the blog.
I liked watching the eggs hatch.

Here is a copy of our Spring newsletter sent home today:

Happy Spring!

Education Week is fast approaching! We will have many special activities at our school next week.

Monday, May 2nd: Volunteer Breakfast at 8:00 a.m.

Tuesday, May 3rd: Hands on Tech Event from 4:30 to 5:30 (see flyer for more info)

Wednesday, May 4th: Dress Rehearsal at 9:30 a.m. for School Broadway Show. We will be singing and dancing to the Circle of Life. Children in our class are encouraged to wear brown or beige colours if possible.

Thursday, May 5th: Broadway Show at 1:30 p.m. Children in our class are encouraged to wear brown or beige colours if possible. Please keep in mind that this is a show for the entire school - the parking lot will be busy. We will be singing and dancing to the Circle of Life.

Friday, May 6th: Pyjama Day and Grandparents visit at 11:00 a.m. Our class is Room Number 114.

Class reminders: We are going to the Experimental Farm on May 24th. Please make sure you have filled out and returned the permission form.

Many students are starting to wear lace up shoes to school. Please do not send in lace up shoes unless your child can tie them independently. With 27 students in the class, we do not have time to lace up shoes! Thank you for your cooperation!

Scholastic Book Orders: are due on May 4th, if you are interested in ordering.

Healthy Snacks and lunches: Please continue to send in healthy snacks and lunches.

Blog: Our blog is updated daily. Please have a look!

We look forward to seeing you next week! Hopefully, we will have chicks in our class by then!

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