Friday, 30 September 2016

Fun Friday

This morning, we read an information book on trees. We now know the parts of the tree - the bark, the roots, the veins in the leaves. We did surveys asking our classmates what their favorite season is, and painted fall harvest pictures.

doing some yoga

I liked playing outside. 
I liked playing at the paint center, 
I liked playing in the gym. 
I liked cleaning up.
I liked playing in the kitchen. 
I liked playing at the blocks.
I liked colouring a trophy.
I liked pretending to drive a car outside.
I liked doing my survey. 

This afternoon we practiced our cutting skills doing some gluing and pasting wit old scholastics magazines.  We practiced our fine motor skills with lacing cards, and built with magformers and Ello blocks.

Comments from this afternoon:

I liked making a tree.
I liked playing with my friend.
I liked tidying up.
I liked riding the school bus.
I liked playing in the kitchen.
I liked the art table.
I like coming to school.
I liked doing yoga.
I liked the crunchy munchy story.

**A reminder the Terry Fox run is on Monday, October 3rd please ensure your permission slips have been returned as it is off school grounds, therefore your child will not be able to participate without it; A new copy has been placed in your child's lunchbag if we still need it.**

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Busy Thursday

This morning we experimented with playdough, colored with pastels, worked with tangrams, and we  got a brand new marble works center to explore how things work!

I like playing outside.
I like playing with my friends at the doll house.
I liked playing in the kitchen, We made soup!
I like coming to school.
I like cleaning up.
I like playing with the marbles.
I like drawing with pastels.
I like reading with my friends.
I like playing with the playdough.
I like building with the foam blocks.

This afternoon we brought nature into class and did leaf rubbings we also talked about why dry leaves work better then damp ones? and why do dry ones grumble?
We got new magnetic building blocks outs, and continued to explore counting and number sense through apple seeds.

taking a survey

I like eating snacking.
I like playing with playdough.
I like playing outside on the climber.
I like playing with the magformers.
I like playing at the marble run.
I like cleaning up garbage outside.
I like playing with my friends.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Busy Wednesday

This morning we read a story about sunflowers and talked about a Van Gogh
painting of sunflowers we had seen in some of our previous stories.  Mme.Chantal 
brought in some sunflowers and a yellow vase for us to draw at the art center.  This also led to a conversation about science as we laid out pieces of the stems and our friends noticed there was water inside.  We began asking why? and learnt the plants drink water through the stem like a straw for the flower to drink.We continued to work on our fine motor skills by cutting, making shapes, and stamping word in playdough. We worked on math and the alphabet by matching tangram shapes to make letters and fall pictures.

I liked playing outside with my friend.
I liked playing with playdough.
I like playing listen and move in the gym and being a race car.
I liked coloring pictures.
I liked playing in the kitchen.
I liked making a sunflower picture.
I like tidying up.
I liked going to the gym.
I liked reading in the book center with my friends.
I like coming to school.
I like playing with the dollhouse.
I like sorting fall objects at the light table.

This afternoon we broke out the paint and painted our classroom sunflowers. We also worked on letter sounds, built puzzles, and did some lacing. 

I liked playing in the kitchen.
I liked eating snack with my friends.
I liked playing outside.
I liked going to sleep.
I liked coming to school.
I liked doing the blog.
I liked helping clean up the art table.
I like helping the teacher.