Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Wonderful Wednesday- Program Night 6:30 p.m.

A typical day in Kindergarten:

After coming inside and getting ready, we hand in our mailbags and get ready for Oh Canada and announcements. We also choose our friend of the day and take attendance by answering a question. Today's question was : what is your favourite colour of apple, red, yellow or green?

We then have a short lesson - either a book or an activity. Today, we read a silly story called Fall is not easy and then we played a letter game with a big dice.

We then go to centers. Some of us go eat a snack right away and some of us choose different learning centers.

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, we go to the gym with Mme Charlotte for 30 minutes.

At 11:45, we go play outside in the yard. We can play on the climber and in the sand. We have lots of sand toys to play with.

At 12:20, we wash our hands and eat our lunch. We then have a little rest. Some of us sleep and some of us don't!
We then have some group time where we read a story or sing a song and then we explore different centers.  During center time, we learn different skills through play and inquiry.  For example many of us have been discussing apples as it is apple picking season which also has us talking about fall.
So at circle we cut up a red apple and a crab apple and predicted what they looked like inside and then talked about what we saw.  At centers we used rocks and apple shapes with numbers to explore math,  apple trees with word apples to explore rhyming words and colored pictures of what we had seen at circle in our journals. We also used playdough and scissors to work on our fine motors skills, and learned about our community while trying to replicate building/monuments we have seen with blocks. 

At the end of each day we do a group activity based on something we have talked about or done together, and then gather on the carpet to discuss our day and complete the blog as a class.  We then get ready to go home and are off for the day!

Comments from today:
I liked playing at the dollhouse.
I liked going to the gym.
I liked playing outside.
I liked playing with my friend.
I liked playing in the kitchen.
I liked singing Oh Canada.
I liked drawing persons having a picnic.
I liked playing with the alphabet dice.
I liked making a funny tree.
I liked the funny tree story.
I liked the writing numbers video.
I liked coming to school!

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