I liked writing words from the mitten story.
I liked looking at the tracks outside.
I liked reading books.
This morning I liked going to gym.
I liked helping my friend make a puffin and a turtle out of blocks.
I liked drawing the mural with my friend.
This morning I liked writing a lot of words.
I like sliding down the hills.
This afternoon, we read a book about doing good deeds and then talked about filling buckets with the people around us. We are working on self-regulation, knowing when we need to calm our bodies, etc.
We also learned about narwhals and made some too! Do you know that they have a big tooth!
Please send in library books on Monday. Thank you!
This afternoon, I liked learning about polar animals.
I like playing in the kitchen.
I like playing outside with my friends.
I like making a narwhal.
I like the tidy up song on the piano.
I like the question of the day.
I like playing at the light up blocks.
This afternoon, I like making a mitten for the wall.
I like writing a lot of words.
I like learning about narwhals.
Narwhals have a big tooth.
Only the male narwhals have a big tooth.
Some narwhals catch fish on their tooth! We haven't figured out how they eat it yet....
The female narwhals don't have the big tooth.
we were learning about narwhals tonight! Enjoy your weekend