We also have some time to get some exercise in the gym.
Still no movement in the incubator - maybe this weekend?
I like when Mme played the tidy up song.
This morning I like playing at the viewmasters.
I like making a chick - un poussin - out of playdough.
I like writing.
I like learning about bugs.
I like making a necklace.
I like rolling the big dice with my friend.
I like playing with the blocks.
I like when Miss Melanie comes to our class.
I like making a honeybee.
I like making a beehive.
I like coming to school.
I like playing in the kitchen with my friends.
I like colouring and making a hive - une ruche.
Next week is Education Week. You have already received a schedule last week. Please check our school website for special activities happening during Education Week.
We are hoping to still go to the library to exchange our books on Tuesday. We are also hoping to have time to read with the reading ladies. Please send in books on Monday.
Have a wonderful weekend. We will be checking in on the chicks Saturday and Sunday. You might want to check for updates on the blog....:)
I like singing the donut song.
I like making a dragonfly.
Dragonflies eat bugs.
This afternoon, I like playing with the magformers.
This afternoon, I like making Big Ben with the wooden blocks.
I like playing the piano with Mme.
I like making a pattern.
I like playing at the lego with my friends.
I like making a bracelet.
I like tidying up.
I like the bugs in the bag game.
I like writing a lot of words.