We are enjoying playing in the snow today! This morning we practiced subitizing with the 10 frames. We are getting really good at recognizing numbers on a 10 frame! We are building with tinker toys and ello blocks, using playdough, making the marbleworks and writing to Santa. Some friends are making the CN Tower at the construction center. Some of us are Writing the Room, finding the winter clothing words in french and in english. We are also using our gross motor skills in the gym with Mme Charlotte and Mrs. Jessica.
Reminders: Tomorrow is our Reading Log Day. Please send in orange reading log along with 3 books in ziploc bag. We hope to be adding some names to our 100 Book Club poster! Thank you!
We are sending home a permission form for your child to participate in a Jump2Math activity. Please return it as soon as possible. Thank you!
We play outside every day. Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather and is attempting to get ready independently.
School photos were sent home today. Enjoy!
Morning comments:
This morning I like playing at the Tinker Toys making the lolly pop factory.
I like playing at the grocery store with my friends.
I like coming to school and learning something.
This morning I like writing a letter to Santa.
I like playing at the playdough center.
I made a bear home with the playdough.
I like making a queen chair with the blocks.
Afternoon comments:
This afternoon, I like writing a letter to Santa. I asked for a Hatchimal and a remote control car.
I like writing my Santa letter.
I like writing my numbers.
I like playing at the marble center.
I like doing the domino challenge.
This afternoon, I like going to the book center.
This afternoon, I like writing numbers.
I like playing outside with my friends.
I like playing with the friend of the day activity.
I like playing outside and resting with my friends.
I like matching the dominos.
Awesome! :)