Monday, 30 April 2018

Monday, April 30th

What a beautiful day in Kindergarten. This morning we decided to spend some time outside and enjoy the beautiful weather.

Morning comments:

I made a card for my Mom and my Grandma.
I like making a special flower and cutting it out.
I like making an invitation.
I like making a camera, a laser and a remote control out of connecting blocks.
I like building with the connecting blocks.
I like making a skater with the magnets.
I like making a ship.
I like playing outside.

Tuesday: Reading Log
Thursday: library cancelled this week due to Arts Incentive happening in the library
Friday: Pizza Day

Mark your calendars:

Education Week:

Monday, May 7th - Volunteer Breakfast 8:30 a.m. in the Learning Commons.
Tuesday, May 8th - Grandparent visit from 11:00 to 12:00 to read with child
Thursday, May 10th - Open House for parents from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m..

Afternoon comments:

I like playing with the sand timer.
I like playing with the magnet blocks.
I like playing at the marble center.
I like playing with the princess toys with my friends.
I like singing the calendar song.
I like the vegetable center.
This afternoon, I like writing my numbers all the way to 15.
I like measuring my shoe.
I like writing the room.
I like playing outside with my friends.
I like working at the Lego center.


  1. Is the open house for parents of Kinders that are in kindergarten now or for the new school year?

  2. In Kindergarten now
