Thursday, 30 August 2018

Thursday, August 30th

Boys and girls, I am so excited to see you on Tuesday. Mrs. Debbie and I have been working all week getting the classroom ready. We have new owl signs, a bus dramatic play area, and, of course, we still have our lego wall! We cleaned up the book area and have 6 baskets full of English and French books for you! Your name tag is already up in the coat room. All SK's are coming to school starting Tuesday. Full day, every day. On Tuesday, we will also be having some JK's coming to visit with their parents. Some JK's will visit on Wednesday with their parents. By Thursday, everyone will be at school. I hope our SK's will be good leaders and be welcoming to our new JK's.

On Tuesday morning, when you come to school, just look for Mrs. Debbie or myself - we will both be holding owls! Our line is the same as last year, by the fence.

Don't forget to ask your parents to pack a healthy snack - with a #1 on the container, #2 is your lunch container and #3 is your afternoon snack. We don't want anyone eating their sandwich at 10:00 a.m.! Bring your velcro shoes and your yoga mat. Ask your parents to write your name on everything. You know how things can get mixed up in the coat room. You can practice putting your shoes on by yourself.

To our Grade 1's: good luck boys and girls. You will learn so much in Grade 1 - reading, writing and so much more! Don't forget to wave when you see me in the hallway!

Some people have been asking about my sunflower. Yes, it is a sunflower - and it has 5 flower buds on it! In fact, it's so heavy, that it is falling to the ground! I also have one growing in my vegetable garden - but it's not ready to bloom yet.

Monday, 13 August 2018

Supply List for September in Kindergarten

For parents: list of items needed for September:

- backpack
- lunch kit
- indoor velcro shoes
- small blanket for quiet time
- extra set of clothes in a labelled ziploc bag
- yoga mat - optional for quiet time

Please label everything sent to school. Thank you!

In the next few weeks, your child can practice putting his/her shoes on by him/herself, opening snack containers, putting lunch kit in school bag independently. It is also extremely important to practice using the washroom independently.

We also recommend labelling snack containers: example:
#1 is a healthy snack for mid-morning.
#2 is lunch (sandwich or other)
#3 is afternoon snack.

This way, your child doesn't eat their sandwich at 10:00 am and then not have a lunch at 12:15.

SK children will start school on the first day of school, just like the other students from grades 1 to 6.

JK students will be coming in for a quick meeting with the Kindergarten team at assigned times on the first two days of school (September 4 and 5). These letters were sent out at the beginning of July. If you have not received a letter yet, please contact the school during the last week of August and you will be given an interview time.

August 13, 2018

My goodness, the summer is just flying by! I hope you are having a safe and wonderful summer! Have you heard the cicadas recently? They are so loud in the afternoon! In French we say: des cigales. At home, I also hear the crickets at night, les criquets.

Well, good news: the plant is a big sunflower and I think it will have 5 flowers on it! The bad news are that the squirrels are still eating my tomatoes. Do you have anything growing in your garden? Did your sunflower bloom?

I have been working on a decoration for our classroom. It is taking quite a bit of time, but my daughters are helping me. It's my favourite painting by Van Gogh. Do you remember the name of it?

These are little rabbits I see when I go on walks with Tesla. 

Sunflower last week.

Sunflower this week.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Wednesday, August 1st

It's already August! Time is flying by!
I hope you are having a good summer! Are you playing outside in this beautiful weather?
I have been gardening and preparing things for our class. I also had guests over! Mrs. Jessica, Cole and baby Wyatt came over for a visit!
Are your sunflowers blooming? I think I might have one that will bloom next week - either it's a sunflower or a big weed.....I will take a picture next week when I'm sure it's not a weed!

Here are some pictures:

something has been eating my tomato!! Squirrel?