Monday, 13 August 2018

August 13, 2018

My goodness, the summer is just flying by! I hope you are having a safe and wonderful summer! Have you heard the cicadas recently? They are so loud in the afternoon! In French we say: des cigales. At home, I also hear the crickets at night, les criquets.

Well, good news: the plant is a big sunflower and I think it will have 5 flowers on it! The bad news are that the squirrels are still eating my tomatoes. Do you have anything growing in your garden? Did your sunflower bloom?

I have been working on a decoration for our classroom. It is taking quite a bit of time, but my daughters are helping me. It's my favourite painting by Van Gogh. Do you remember the name of it?

These are little rabbits I see when I go on walks with Tesla. 

Sunflower last week.

Sunflower this week.

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