Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Tuesday, December 4th

Thank you to our reading ladies who came to read and exchange our books. This will be the last visit until the New Year. Thank you ladies! Please keep reading to your child over the holidays! We now have one friend who has read over 200 books and many friends have read over 100 books. Way to go! This is the best way to learn how to read! The reading ladies also gave each child a little Christmas present. Thank you ladies for volunteering your time to help us out!!

Reminders for the week:

Thursday: Litterless lunch day.

Friday: Pizza Day for those who ordered pizza.

Please send in extra mittens. All clothing sent to school should be labelled. We are collecting big yogurt containers - empty - to play outside in the snow.

Please continue to encourage your children to get dressed independently.

Upcoming Dates to remember:

December 11th: Christmas Store for the students.
December 19th: Christmas Concert in the afternoon 1:00.

We are collecting canned goods.

Morning comments:

I like painting a snowman.
I like working at the Grade 1 table.
I like playing with the Tinker Toys.
I like working with the red bricks.
I like showing and sharing.
I like making beautiful pictures.
I like playing with my best friend.
I like working at the art table.
I like working on a puzzle.
I like making a train.
I like reading to my mom.

Amazing readers! 100 and 200 books!

Do you like candy canes?


  1. Are you still collecting canned goods on Thursday?
    Thanks Reading Ladies :)

  2. Yes w!e are! :) Thank you
