Friday, 13 November 2015

Fantastic Friday

It's an exciting day in our class today! We are changing the restaurant dramatic play to a vet's office. There were so many kids who want to play in there that we needed a sign up sheet! We made signs for the vet and are taking care of the animals. We even have a waiting area with animal books and a cash register to pay. We also have animal x-rays at our light table!

waiting area with books

examination table with chart

animal x-rays

working on a vet office sign

We had a delicious pizza lunch and enjoyed listening to a great story about a bear saying thanks!

puzzle all done

duplo structures

Students' comments from today:

I liked painting.
I liked playing in the duplos.
I liked eating my snack.
I liked playing in the vet center.
I liked yoga in the library.
I liked playing at the craft center.
I liked playing at the gears with my friends.
I liked colouring a squirrel.
I liked making paper shopkins.
I liked making a haunted house at the craft center!
I like coming to school.

Reminders: Blankets are being sent home to be washed. Please return them on Monday. Library books can be sent in on Monday. Scholastic orders due on Nov. 18th.

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