Candle, candle burning bright....
Take a walk to Christmas....
a few Christmas books
reading Christmas books during center time
making Advent candles to get ready for next week
un flocon de neige
Playing at the train tracks with friends
Making Christmas cookies and tortillas out of playdough,
glitter explosion at the craft table!
A Christmas tree showed up in our class while we were at gym!
Maybe it was teleported here!!
busy writing all in a row
Building a car
Reading a FROZEN story with Mrs. Melissa
I spy!
Santa is getting ready!
sight word decorations on our tree
Making a stocking for our tree
Very busy coloring and gluing
I made a plane!
This afternoon, we read a story about a Gingerbread Man visiting a school. We continued decorating our tree, making gingerbread men for our bulletin board and we measured each other to see how many gingerbread men tall we were.
Looking at the viewmasters and writing what we saw
building legos with my friends
Reading with our reading moms!
Looking for animals!
I did it!
Building lego
How tall are you?
Reading up a storm!
Run run if you can!
I am 7 gingerbread men tall!
Look at all my writing!
I liked playing outside
I liked reading the Christmas book
I liked building with lego
I liked resting
I liked playing in the vet's office
I liked snack
I liked making and measuring gingerbread men
I liked reading with the reading moms
I liked getting a Christmas tree and making an ornament for it
Classroom reminders:
Pizza day tomorrow for those who ordered pizza.
Please send in extra mittens and socks in your child's school bag.
So nice to hear my favorite Xmas song tonight.