Tuesday 29 September 2015

First Learning Commons Visit

This morning, we went to the Learning Commons to take out one book to bring home. We can keep it at home for one week. We will return to the Learning Commons next Tuesday. Please return the book next Monday in the ziploc bag provided. Thank you Miss Rose for helping us scan our books out!

We started making papier mache pumpkins. Some of us are very sticky! 

We have new playdough today! Thank you to our parents who are providing us with fresh playdough. The students love it! They think it smells very good!

We are adding to the pumpkin patch. We will post pictures later!

This afternoon we went to the gym for a <Caught You Caring> Assembly. We listened very well!

Students' comments from today's activities:

I liked cutting a pumpkin. (craft)
I liked playing at the playdough center.
I liked making the papier mache pumpkins.
I made pretend chocolate with the playdough.
I liked playing outside at recess.
I like the lite-brite - I made <un arbre>.
I liked going to the library.
I looked for treasure in the sand at recess.

Reminders: Please return the pink Terry Fox permission forms. Thank you!

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