Tuesday 22 September 2015

What an exciting day in Kindergarten! We all smiled and looked wonderful for our pictures. We are learning some French Fall words like: une pomme (apple), une citrouille (pumpkin), un arbre (tree), un rateau (rake), des feuilles (leaves). We also sang some French songs.

Some comments from the students today:

I love school!
I made Easter eggs out of playdough! (worked on fine motor skills)
I learned how to say apple in French!
I made ice cream with playdough.
We learned a farmer song.
We made a puzzle together on the carpet.
We learned how to say a baby turkey - a poult!

Class reminders: Program Night on Thursday night, from 6:30 to 8:30, for parents only. This evening is to give you information about what we do all day in kindergarten.

Please send in apple sauce activity permission form by tomorrow. Thank you!

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