Friday 7 April 2017

Fun Friday

We are very busy today. We are making crosses, writing Easter words, building and sharing. We have a new survey: Do you like jelly beans?

Do you like jelly beans?

I like playing in the kitchen.
I like writing farm words.
I like going to the gym with my friends.
I like the lockdown.
I like doing the jelly bean survey.
I like writing words.
I like making a cross.

This afternoon we worked on our hand eye coordination and made beaded bracelets and necklaces.  We made sight word puzzles and wrote the words on white boards.  We built our perfect farm out of legos.  We also had our third Lenten liturgy with all our kindergarten friends.  We finished off our day drawing the butterfly life-cycle while Mr. Legault told us a story.


This afternoon I liked learning about Easter and Palm Sunday.
I liked making puzzles and writing the words.
I liked making a bracelet out of string and beads.
I liked when Mr. Legault told a story.
I liked making a butterfly life-cycle.
I liked making lunch for my friend in the kitchen.
I liked going to our liturgy.
I liked making a farm at the lego center with my friends.
I liked Ms.Sienna making a felt story of Happy Easter mouse and getting to play with it.
This afternoon I liked building a space shuttle with the wooden blocks.

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