Tuesday 20 October 2015

This morning, we found out more information about bats. For example: some bats eat fruit and some bats eat insects; when they sleep, they cover themselves in their wings; bats can't fly in the rain.

After centers, we went to the Learning Commons to exchange our library books. Miss Rosemarie read us a story about a bear who was sick. Then his friends got sick too!

exploring magnets

une banane

une citrouille orange

painting bats

more magnets
des aimants

des chauve-souris

library visit

I made a microphone!

reading with Miss Tanya

listening to a story

listening to another story!
This afternoon, we went on a nature walk outside to look for fall items. We each had a clipboard and a pencil and we checked off the items we found. Some of us also wrote some words. We also did some exploring at centers, patterning, writing, pretending, building and taking surveys!

Are you afraid of spiders?

Nature detectives

Students' comments from today:

I liked playing outside.
I liked the water table.
I liked painting the bat.
I liked writing.
I liked looking for flowers, leaves and berries.
I liked digging a hole at recess.
I liked playing with my friends.
I liked eating!
I liked writing on the white board.

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