Wednesday 27 April 2016

Wonder Wednesday

It's another exciting day in Kindergarten! Today, we are adding food colouring to the carnation water. We have 12 carnations. For one of them, we added all 4 food colours. We wonder what that carnation will look like by the end of the week!

un cheval

des papillons

We made the frog life cycle.

Taking care of the baby.

We are practicing Circle of Life!

Writing a chick update!

We are brushing the horses, les chevaux.

I made 31 burritos!

We also had a visit from our local MPP, Mrs. Marie-France Lalonde. We sang a chick song for her and showed her our incubator and the eggs.

This afternoon, Mrs. Jessica read us a funny story called One Duck Stuck. 
Chick question of the day:
Are all chicks the same? No, some are almost white, some are brown and some are yellow.

Our bird corner - books, birds and viewmasters with bird pictures.

Making invitations for our grand-parents.

a new game

I see a bird!

teamwork at the puzzles

a cardinal and a robin

I like playing ball outside.
I like playing Star Wars outside.
I like the new set up in the class.
I like paying in the kitchen.
I like playing in the farm.
I like playing with the bristol blocks.
I like having rest time.
I like writing.
I like playing with the new marble works.
I like playing Osmo on the ipad
I liked gym time.
I like doing our carnation experiment.
I like making invitations.

Reading Logs tomorrow. Please send in reading logs and little books. Thank you!

Invitations to grandparents going out today. Please see your child's mailbag.
We would like to have the Field Trip forms returned as soon as possible please. Thank you!

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